Use "elector|electors" in a sentence

1. George I: Elector and King.

2. One of the twenty-four Electors for the Burgomastership

3. The electors declared against their former Member of Parliament.

4. Not all the registered electors actually voted.

5. The body of electors was more precisely defined when, in 1059, the College of Cardinals was designated the sole body of electors.

6. In December 1677, the elector of Brandenburg captured Stettin.

7. Electors; Non-Voting; Cardinal-Bishops; Cardinal-Priests; Cardinal-Deacons

8. I am a registered elector for a the geographical constituency.

9. • For a general election, in ridings where there are fewer electors than the national average, the Act adjusts the number of electors upward.

10. Since 1964, there have been 538 electors in each presidential election.

11. In 1742 Elector Charles Theodore began rebuilding the Palace.

12. He was the father of Frederick William, the "Great Elector".

13. 15 The electors declared against their former Member of Parliament.

14. An elector is entitled to cast one vote for a list.

15. A registered elector is entitled to subscribe only ONE nomination form.

16. 23 Many electors didn't vote today because of the bad weather.

17. In addition, the 20 regions of Italy appoint 58 representatives as special electors.

18. First, he travelled to Wrocław (Breslau), then Munich, where he met Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria.

19. As this summary description of the system implies, every elector has two votes.

20. The Runefangs were presented to the ruling Emperor who divided them between the Elector counts.

21. His homeward journey took him via Mainz, where he gave a concert before the elector.

22. The 5 km - long and 1 km - wide park was constructed in 1789 by Elector Karl Theodor.

23. The music-loving elector had immediately installed a substantial orchestra, which by 1777 numbered about 45 players.

24. Accessibility was indicated on the voter information card, sent to every registered elector.

25. 435 representatives, plus 100 senators, and 3 electors from the District of Columbia.

26. In 1701, Frederick I of Prussia changed his coat of arms as Prince-Elector of Brandenburg.

27. On 26 October, the Elector of Bavaria captured Prague and declared himself King of Bohemia.

28. It tells you who is Emperor, who is Elector Count and who has been banned.

29. A registered elector is entitled to subscribe only ONE nomination form in this by - election.

30. None the less, class remained the most important predictor of how an elector might vote.

31. The Privy Council immediately proclaimed the Elector of Hanover King George I of England.

32. Knights owe their allegiance directly to their lord: the Elector Count of their province.

33. 30 Electors before 1804 did not vote separately for president and vice-president, as they do now.

34. Given the opportunity, could so many electors have chosen intelligently between so many candidates?

35. A polling station is where I vote and is listed on my Elector Information Card.

36. The list of elector is put up on the noticeboard in the local office.

37. In the first phase voters chose electors who then selected a slate of senatorial candidates.

38. An elector in Britain has more opportunity to vote in local elections than in national ones.

39. The clerk touched each elector on the head, and counted each poll aloud over a megaphone.

40. The registration of electors is also usually undertaken within the bounds of the Constituency. Read More on This Topic

41. They still carried the ball, but the electors moved from being spectators to doubling as occasional umpires as well.

42. September 3, 1998 - Advance Polls Open Friday for Federal By-Election in Sherbrooke, Elections Canada Reminds Electors

43. 18 By far the rudest electors, in my canvassing experience, are old, white,[] working-class men.

44. • The nomination paper must be signed by, or accompanied by, at least 25 electors of the electoral district.

45. The information contained in income tax returns is updated regularly and allows for easier tracking of electors who move between provinces.

46. Foreseeing the need to elect his successor when the time came, Omar designated a body of electors charged with the task.

47. • if the elector takes the oath or affirmation as to his or her eligibility to vote; and

48. As elector, he spent twelve summers in Hanover, where he had more direct control over government policy.

49. Decades went by but no history appeared; the next Elector became quite annoyed at Leibniz's apparent dilatoriness .

50. A new arc welder realizes multi - function and anti - elector shock through single chip and fuzzy control.

51. Data management and systems for lists of electors will also be examined in light of current technological advances.

52. Elector of Brandenburg ('40-' who reorganized and rebuilt his domain after its devastation in the Thirty Years' War.

53. Hospitalized electors may request an absentee Ballot between March 30, 2021 and April 6, 2021 at 5:00 p.m

54. The Karls‘ gate (Karlstor) is a triumphal arch in honour of the Prince Elector Karl Theodor, located at Heidelberg's east side.

55. All electors who register at the polling station must provide proof of identity including their name, address and signature.

56. We propose the single transferable vote, by which electors cast their votes in multi-member constituencies based on natural communities.

57. 16 Elections are said to limit Parliament because they give power to electors who ignorantly demand ever more state intervention.

58. Certificate of Ascertainment (appointment of electors) signed by Josiah Bartlett, President (Governor) of the State of New Hampshire, who certified that he, John Pickering, Benjamin Bellows, Ebenezer Thompson, Jonathan Freeman, and John Gilman were duly appointed Electors for President and Vice President in the 1792 Presidential election.

59. See Article History Constituency, basic electoral unit into which eligible electors are organized to elect representatives to a legislative or other public body

60. Section 22 repeals from the provisions of the Electoral Administration Act 2006 for the setting up of a Coordinated Online Register of Electors.

61. The cardinal electors were looking not for a Curial bureaucrat, but rather a warm, pastoral figure along the lines of Pope John XXIII.

62. The Empire has no capital as such, as the Emperor is chosen from amongst the Elector Counts throughout the provinces.

63. 2 days ago · Elections NL Backpedals after allowing handful of Newfoundland and Labrador electors to vote by phone

64. 2 days ago · Elections NL Backpedals after allowing handful of Newfoundland and Labrador electors to vote by phone

65. 2 We have seen the bloodcurdling letters that he has sent to electors about what may happen if Labour is returned.

66. In 1427 the city acquired the remains of the Burgrave’s Castle from Burgrave Friedrich VI, who took over a new function as Elector of Brandenburg

67. 2 days ago · Elections NL Backpedals after allowing handful of Newfoundland and Labrador electors to vote by phone

68. 2 We have seen the Bloodcurdling letters that he has sent to electors about what may happen if Labour is returned


70. Both should enjoy the same rights (notably as regards access to lists of electors) and be similarly accountable (notably as regards reporting).

71. The person must be registered as an elector in a geographical constituency. Otherwise, the person will not be eligible to be registered as your authorized representative.

72. 2 days ago · Elections NL Backpedals after allowing handful of Newfoundland and Labrador electors to vote by phone The Telegram

73. 1 day ago · Elections Newfoundland and Labrador Backpedals after allowing handful of electors to vote by phone The Telegram

74. After presenting a set of newly engraved sonatas to the elector,(Sentencedict) he saw that Munich held no further attractions for him.

75. The electors voted 29-9 against Patrick’s impassioned entreaty to leave “moral Cowardice” in the resolution, but they did approve the resolution without those words.

76. Alternatively, formal ballots could be discarded: in election by acclamation (per Acclamationem seu inspirationem) the electors simultaneously shouted out the name of their preferred candidate

77. Elections Canada has also determined that three electors who registered in Trinity–Spadina provided addresses that were located in the adjacent Electoral District of Davenport.

78. Voters will select presidential electors who in turn will either elect a new president and vice president through the electoral college or reelect the incumbents.

79. Candidates must file a Declaration of Candidacy and either pay the $300 filing fee or collect the signatures of at least 1,000 registered electors of the state

80. In the United States, a certificate of Ascertainment is an official document that identifies a state's appointed electors, and the final vote count for each candidate that received popular votes